CO-CREATION is our credo

Living labs for sustainable tourism, entrepreneurship and finance

In this journey through the project, youth is at the forefront of forging a sustainable future in tourism and entrepreneurship. Diving into national living labs, we explore, map, and bridge competency gaps, co-creating and validating dynamic learning materials, from videos to podcasts. By engaging young minds across multiple countries, the project drives youth to co-design learning activities, cultivating and sharing best practices for sustainable tourism entrepreneurship. Our living labs are more than a method; they are a vibrant, user-centred co-creation space where innovative ideas are nurtured, prototyped, and validated, propelling youth as contributors and architects in project development and sustainable entrepreneurial endeavours.

E-course with 30 tailored learning units

This flexible e-course offers 30 learning units encompassing sustainable tourism, entrepreneurship, and business finance. Accessible on an open learning repository, it includes a blend of video lectures, podcasts, TikTok lessons, self-learning materials, a manual and evaluations. Crafted through a co-creative living lab process and validated by consensus panels, every unit is not only translated into national languages for enhanced accessibility but it is also designed to provide both quantifiable and non-quantifiable benefits, including enriched awareness and intercultural competence.